Ignacio Prado

Web Developer

Ignacio Prado Bio Image

Hello, I'm a web developer at Adaptive Financial Consulting. I'm married to the lovely and talented choreographer and performance artist, Abigail Levine.

I enjoy being part of self-organizing web development teams that deliver value in complex enterprise domains. On the technical side, that complexity includes realtime or high-load data requirements, intricate user workflows, task dependencies, and complex state or entitlement management. On the non-technical side, it centers on delivering in an environment where business requirements, problems, and opportunities change continuously. I focus on identifying collaboration methods, tooling and web application architectures that can quickly adapt and be resilient to those changes. LinkedIn.

Before changing to a career in coding, I studied for degrees philosophy and comparative religion. Both individually and as part of Evolving Ground, I remain focused on personal transformation through the integration of spiritual practice and rational inquiry.